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NA-MIC Project Weeks

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Key Investigators

Presenter location: Online

Project Description

The goal of this project is to empower the biomedical research community in Latin America by localizing 3D Slicer to Spanish and Portuguese and improving tutorial localization infrastructure.


  1. Configure the internationalization of the module, ensuring the string is using the tr class to mark as translatable.
  2. Translate the “step-by-step” manual to English and Spanish. Also, update the Portuguese tutorials with the Portuguese interface of Slicer.
  3. Solve functional issues opened in the repository, like changing the infrastructure to a more human-readable.
  4. Translation of the MonaiLabel extension to Portuguese and Spanish.

Approach and Plan

  1. Verify if the Qt widgets are all marked as translatable and enclose the strings with the tr class. Also, verify the necessary configuration to add these strings in Weblate.
  2. The translation team will work together to translate the manual and the tutorials to guarantee the module can be used in English, Portuguese, and Spanish users.
  3. The engineering team will work together with the developer Slicer community to solve the issues that are opened in the repository.
  4. The strings are already marked as translatable, so the translation team will work to translate the extension using the Weblate infrastructure.

Progress and Next Steps

  1. Describe specific steps you have actually done.


Background and References

GitHub Repository
